Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2014, Time to Take a Stand

Published in the january, 2014 edition of The New Lynchburg Ledger The First Amendment to the U.S Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” So, did A&E violate Phil Robertson’s First Amendment rights when they suspended him from Duck Dynasty? The answer is, “No.” The first word in the First Amendment is “Congress” so only the federal government can violate the First Amendment. And it does so almost every day. Phil Robertson was exercising his First Amendment rights of “freedom of religion” and “freedom of speech” when he gave an interviewer from GQ magazine his personal beliefs on homosexuality, which are based on the teachings of the Bible. The reaction from the homosexual community was predictable (as I am sure the GQ interviewer knew it would be), and A&E caved quicker than a moderate Republican raising the debt ceiling. However, the backlash A&E received was not so predictable, because they quickly caved and restored Robertson to his popular show. I have never seen Duck Dynasty but I fired off an email to A&E in protest because, what they did was religious bigotry. The people who for years have screamed for tolerance turn out to be some of the most intolerant people on the planet. In fact, intimidation is used by the left to silence the critics and it is time to put an end to it. In 2014, my New Year’s Resolution is to take a stand against political correctness and exercise my religious and free speech rights. I was absolutely incensed when I learned that the Rose Parade this year would feature a homosexual wedding on a float. I vowed not to watch it, and I suggested to people I know to do likewise. I also contacted some of the sponsors of the Rose Parade (Honda, FTD, Taco Bell, Macy’s, Coca Cola, Farmer’s Insurance, Miracle Grow and Wells Fargo) to let them know my displeasure. Had I not been forewarned, I would have had that perversion come uninvited right into my living room. Perversion, isn’t that too strong? No, not at all as that is one word that God uses to describe extreme sexual immorality. I intend to be Biblically correct and could care less if I am politically incorrect and if some liberal is offended. Our culture is crumbling around us and if we do not start pushing back, it won’t be long before we will be unable to do so. One of the other freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment is the “freedom of the press” which the Founding Fathers found to be essential to good government. Government by “We the People” cannot function without an informed citizenry. Today the media is nothing more than a branch of the Democrat Party. They lie to support the liberal agenda and anyone who depends on them is a fool; they are being ill-informed, misinformed and are being fed a steady stream of liberal propaganda. The media, our public education system, Hollywood and even the Episcopal Church have succeeded in brainwashing the American people into thinking homosexuality is just a harmless alternate lifestyle. The fact is just the opposite. The biggest deception is the lie that homosexuality is genetic. Although there is absolutely no credible evidence to support this myth, many supposedly smart people, such as Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, believe the lie. They ignore the overwhelming evidence, testimonies from thousands of former homosexuals (ex-gays), that it is not genetic. For further information on former homosexuals go to pfox.org and sbministries.org. The homosexual lifestyle is fraught with serious health concerns. First is HIV/AIDS with over fifty percent of the cases among homosexual males. AIDS was brought to the U.S. by homosexual males and was first called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID). As a frequent blood donor, I am confronted with a long questionnaire every time I donate. One of them asks if you have ever had sex with another male. If you have, you cannot donate. Homosexuals contaminated the nation’s blood supply before anything about AIDS was known and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of hemophiliacs who required blood transfusions. Many homosexuals are alcohol and drug abusers. To engage in some of their perversions, they need to self-medicate. Consequently, IV needles became contaminated, and AIDS quickly found its way into the IV drug culture, killing tens of thousands of drug addicts. AIDS is not the only health concern. According to the CDC, approximately 10 % of new Hepatitis A and 20% of all new Hepatitis B infections in the United States are among men who engage in homosexual sex. Since the homosexual population is only between two and three percent, they contract hepatitis five to 10 times more than the average population. Then there is Gay Bowel Syndrome. I won’t go into the details of that so I’ll leave it to the reader to Google for further information. While you are on line, check http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html for “MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT HOMOSEXUALS DO.” It is obvious our media is grossly negligent in performing their constitutional duty of truthfully informing the American people and that is just fine with the liberals.

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