Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Where is the outrage?

Published in the March, 2014 edition of The New Lynchburg Ledger In colonial times, the British government repeatedly violated the rights of the colonialists, who were British subjects. After many attempts to resolve the wrongs being inflicted upon them, it became clear that the British Crown no longer considered them worthy of the rights of free Englishmen. They called it tyranny. Tyranny is defines as “cruel and oppressive government or rule.” It was the pulpits of colonial time that spoke out most forcefully against tyranny. Pastors and preachers of the day were outraged by the lawlessness of the king and were not afraid to say so. They were not afraid to be “politically incorrect.” Up to now, we have been a government of laws built on a Constitutional framework. However, we are rapidly regressing from a government of laws to a government of man. This occurs when those we elect to office simply chose to ignore the laws and the Constitution, much in the way that King George did just prior to the American Revolution. Attorney General Elect Mark Herring was administered the Oath of Office on January 11, 2014 in which he swore to “Support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia.” However, just 15 days later, broke his oath to the people of Virginia. On January 26, 2014, Attorney General Mark Herring refused to support the Constitution of Virginia by announcing he would not defend the Marriage Amendment to the Virginia Constitution in court. The people of the Commonwealth of Virginia amended their Constitution by the method described in Article XII, Section I of the Constitution of Virginia in 2006. this amendment declared that marriage in Virginia was only between a man and a woman. When Mark Herring took the oath of office, he obviously knew of the lawsuit that had been filed challenging Virginia’s position on marriage and it is safe to say he knew exactly the course of action he planned to follow. In short, he lied. I am outraged over being lied to but I don’t see a whole lot of others being outraged. Attorney General Mark Herring has met the qualifications for Impeachment under Article IV, Section 17 of the Constitution of Virginia by neglecting his sworn duty to support Virginia’s Constitution. So where is the outrage from the Republican-controlled House of Delegates? There is at least one person who is outraged over Herrings refusal to defend Virginia’s Constitution.

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