Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Destruction of the Black Sub-Culture
Published in the February issue of The New Lynchburg Ledger
February is Black History Month, and we will be hearing about various Black Americans who have made significant contributions to society, such as George Washington Carver, Charles Richard Drew and Alexander Mils, just to name a few.
What we will not be hearing about is the decline of the black family and black culture over the past 50 years at the hands of the liberal Democrats. We will not hear it because that would be politically incorrect.
In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Passage of this landmark legislation was far from smooth sailing with notable Democrats such as Senators Mike Mansfield (Senate majority leader), J. William Fulbright (mentor to Bill Clinton) and Al Gore, Sr. opposing the legislation. The Senate passed the bill by 73 to 27 with most Republicans supporting the bill and most of the opposition coming from Democrats.
The Civil Rights legislation removed the institutional barriers to race equality in America. It could do nothing, however, about what is in the individual heart. That would take a couple of generations to work its way out.
While the Civil Rights Bill was a benefit to black Americans, in the same year, Lyndon Johnson called for a War on Poverty in his January 8, 1964 speech which set in motion programs that have devastated American families in general and black families in particular over the past 50 years.
We have poured trillions of dollars down a rat hole and in the process devastated the core of the black family in America.
Prior to 1964, the black family in America was still fairly strong, even under segregation. However, the more that government inserted itself, the weaker the black family became.
In 1965, the black “illegitimacy” rate was 24 percent, roughly one in four black children were born to a single mother. The rate in the white community was four percent.
As government stepped in, the black male was pushed out, relegated to being nothing more than a sperm donor. So now, after 50 years, the black illegitimacy rate has almost tripled to 72 percent. No culture, or in this case sub-culture, can succeed with numbers such as that.
The white illegitimacy rate has also increased and now stands at 29 percent. Other ethnic rates are 17 percent for Asians, 53 percent for Hispanics and 66 percent for Native Americans.
A male is genetically predisposed to be a provider so when a government program steps in and renders him unnecessary, he looks for other ways to assert his manhood. Often, this brings him afoul of the law.
In 2010, blacks were almost six times more likely to be in jail than whites and twice as likely as Hispanics. Liberals attribute this to a problem within our judicial system when, in fact, it is an endemic problem of crime in the black sub-culture.
In fact, one in three black males expects to be incarcerated at least once in their lives. The custom of wearing pants low with underwear showing stems from prison life where inmates are not allowed to have belts, and their pants continuously drop down.
When it comes to employment, black American unemployment runs about twice that of the white population. Again, the liberals blame the society but are blind to the real reason, which is far too many blacks are simply unemployable.
The public school system has very low expectations for black students, especially in the inner cities where black unemployment is the highest.
I would submit that the plight of black Americans is much worse today then it was 50 years ago.
As a nation, we have made great strides in racial equality in the past 50 years. Today, the NFL and NBA are dominated by blacks. Blacks are well represented in entertainment with icons such as Oprah Winfrey and Bill Cosby commanding big audiences.
Blacks are also well represented in politics. After all, we elected a black Democrat as president, twice.
Although blacks are well represented throughout society, there still remains an almost permanent underclass that has become dependent on government for their existence. Self appointed leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, along with the Obama administration, continue to divide America along racial lines. Instead of holding up successful blacks as examples, such as Dr. Ben Carson and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, they continue to portray blacks as victims of white Americans such as in the Trayvon Martin case. Martin was a thief, punk and drug abuser who would probably be alive today had the criminal justice system not given him a pass.
The solution to the problems within the black community lies within the black community itself. However, when influential blacks like Bill Cosby have spoken out about it, they have been all but shouted down by liberals. Even liberal Juan Williams, a Fox News contributer, has recognized the problem and has addressed it in his book, Enough. This too has been rejected by black leadership.
When they talk about equal opportunities, what they really mean is equal outcomes. In today’s America, everyone has an equal opportunity. Our illegal immigration problem is proof enough of that. The liberal’s solution to equality is not to raise up the non-producers but to tear down the producers.
Liberals have been very successful in silencing those who speak out by calling them racists. They even call those who criticize Obama policies, racists. Well, it is time to throw that right back in their faces and challenge them to drastically reduce unwed black births (not through abortion), reduce black crime, especially black-on-black crime, and challenge black youth to embrace education instead of rejecting it as being “too white.”
Meanwhile, blacks continue to vote in overwhelming numbers for those responsible for keeping them a permanent under class. That is like chickens voting for Col. Sanders, and pigs voting for Jimmy Dean.
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