Friday, December 3, 2010

Jihad – We Still Do Not Get It

Published December 3, 2010 in the Lynchburg ledger

By Bill Wheaton
Press Media Group, LLC

In December of 2009, AirTran Airways flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston expereinced a problem when 12 men in Muslim attire began dancing and singing in Arabic as the plane was taxiing to the runway.  They refused to be seated when the flight attendants instructed them to sit down.  It is unlawful to taxi an aircraft unless all passengers are seated. 

When they finally sat down, some of them took out their cell phones and began taking pictures of other passengers.  Again, they were ordered to stop by the flight attendants, but ignored them.

The flight crew then declared an emergency and the plane returned to the gate where the 12 Muslim men were taken off the plane and questioned. Their luggage was also removed and checked. Ten of the Muslim men were allowed to get back on the plane and 12 to 15 passengers decided that they wanted to get off that plane and take other flights.

This was likely a test to see just how far they could go with their intimidation tactics. 

Last week, while Thanksgiving airline travelers were undergoing an unprecedented level of security screening, a 19 year old Somali-born and naturalized citizen, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, was arrested in downtown Portland, Oregon after using a cell phone to try to detonate what he thought were explosives in a van.  His target; a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony crowded with children.  "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured." Mohamud said.  This would-be terrorist was caught in an FBI sting operation.

This is just two of hundreds of incidents that occur regularly, many not reported by our hapless liberal media.  The fact is, fundamental Muslims are out to enslave us or kill us and have been for a very long time.

The 9-11 Commission Report stated Islam has been at war with the United States for some time, and we failed to recognize it.  It appears we still don’t in spite of over 200 years of Islamic-declared war on America.

President Barack Obama recently hosted a White House dinner to celebrate the end Ramadan, known as Iftar. In a speech, Obama continued to suck-up to the Muslims by lying about American history.  He stated Thomas Jefferson hosted the first Iftar dinner at the White House.  Blatantly false.

During the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, U.S. ships were under constant attack from Islamic pirates along the Barbary Coast of Africa.  Numerous diplomatic efforts were made on the part of Jefferson, as well as John Adams, to try to alleviate what had become a crisis on the high seas for the U.S. since it no longer enjoyed British maritime protection following the Revolutionary War.  After these diplomatic efforts, the stunned Ambassadors made a report to Congress providing the Muslim response to the American request that they stop their aggressive and violent activities: 

The Tripolitan Ambassador to Great Britain, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adia, had informed Jefferson and Adams of the following:   “…that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Jefferson recommended that America go to war against the Muslims:  “The liberation of our citizens has an intimate connection with the liberation of our commerce in the Mediterranean,” he explained to Congress. 

It was not until Jefferson was President in 1801 that the U.S. went to war against Islam, a conflict that lasted just over 4 years. Jefferson sent the U.S. Marines into Tripoli in 1805. The Barbary pirates finally backed down, but it was not until 1830 that terrorism on the high seas by the practitioners of Islam finally stopped.

But that didn’t mean Islam had changed; they just sought out new victims. Fundamental Islam has attempted to dominate and enslave populations wherever they met little resistance.  They also sought to ally themselves with non-Muslim nations for a common purpose.

During World War II, Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini aligned himself with Adolph Hitler.  The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated.

With a history like this, it should be abundantly clear that no amount of negotiation, no amount of groveling and apologizing is going to persuade Fundamental Islam to “live and let live.”

Barack Obama, our apologizer-in-chief, believes that if we are really nice to the Muslim terrorists, they will stop attacking.  For example, the Obama Justice Department moved the trial of accused terrorist Ahmed Ghailani from Guantanamo to New York and from a military tribunal to a civilian court.  Ghailani was found guilty on just one count and acquited on 280 charges, mostly murder, after the judge blocked critical prosecution evidence from being introduced. 

The worldview of Obama and the liberals says mankind is basically good and getting better.  That is why they believe they can appease the Muslim terrorists.  If Neville Chamberlain couldn’t appease Adolph Hitler with the Munich Agreement of 1938, how does Obama think he can appease the Muslim world sworn to kill us?

Bill Wheaton lives in Concord, Virginia.  Recent columns are available at  His email address is

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