Friday, December 10, 2010

Homosexual Anger behind WikiLeaks Data Dump

Published December 10, 2010 in the Lynchburg Ledger 

During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama promised his homosexual supporters the repeal of the “Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell” policy of the military.  He is trying to make good on that promise during the lame duck session of Congress.  He has also managed to convince the military leaders in the Pentagon to support his objective, which is very troubling.

The repeal has to be done legislatively, meaning it needs to pass both the House and the Senate before it is sent to Obama for signature.  The incoming House is not likely to pass the bill and neither is the incoming Senate.  If we can block passage this year, the policy will stay in effect unless the liberal courts intervene.

The military conducted a survey on how service members would feel about the repeal.  However, that survey was fatally flawed and the military should be ashamed of themselves for polling such a hoax on the armed forces and the American people.

A week ago, the Pentagon released the results of their survey which on the surface seems to support repeal.  There was no surprise that the release of the military's new "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" survey was carefully orchestrated to accomplish Obama’s objective.

However, the Pentagon had no interest in eliciting honest responses from the troops about whether the law outlawing homosexual conduct in the ranks should be preserved or repealed. Instead, soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines were addressed in terms implying that repeal is inevitable.

When one looks carefully at how the survey was conducted, one sees just how much of a fraud it was. 

63 percent of those responding to the survey indicated they live off-base or in civilian housing.  Consequently, they responded that a change in policy might not affect them.

But those in combat roles gave a different response. About half with combat experience said a change would have a negative or very negative impact in the field or at sea. Among Marine combat troops, two-thirds said combat readiness would suffer.  The concern increased where unit cohesion and trust are life-and-death concerns.

In preparation for the survey, the military held a numbers of working groups called “information exchange forums,” but only at bases in the United States, Germany and Japan.  Troops in combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan were deliberately excluded which diluted the negative response to the change.

When asked specific questions, like willingness to share a shower or tent with a known homosexual, 61 percent said they would take some sort of action to avoid this situation. 

Only 6 percent of troops surveyed said repeal would improve either recruitment or morale, but about 25 percent indicated they would leave the military early if the repeal is signed into law.  The liberal media is not reporting that.

"There was nothing in that report that showed a single benefit to the military in terms of readiness, recruiting or retention.  There is no compelling reason to do this," said
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness.

Since 2005, only 1 percent of those detached involuntarily from the military were kicked out for violating the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rules, so this is not a burning issue within the military.  It is only a burning issue in the liberal agenda and the homosexual community.

There is another very sound reason for keeping the rule in effect and once again: the liberal media is covering it up.  The failure to apply “Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell” may just be responsible for a leak of classified documents.

The publication of classified U.S. government documents by WikiLeaks has captured the headlines as of late, but falling through the cracks was the motive behind a U.S. Army leaker currently being held in the brig at Quantico.  The person who allegedly gave WikiLeaks the mountains of secret documents is Pfc. Bradley Manning, Army intelligence analyst.  What the media is not telling us is that Manning is an angry homosexual.

According to The New York Times, Bradley sought "moral support" from his "self-described drag queen" boyfriend.  He was upset, so in a homosexual rage, he betrayed his country by orchestrating the greatest leak of classified intelligence in U.S. history.

The British media have been more forthcoming than the U.S. media.  They reported that Manning’s Facebook page contains many claims and clues about his homosexual affiliations. They reported he just split with his homosexual lover and has also been contemplating a sex change.

If Manning was this open about his homosexuality, and working in intelligence unit, surely someone in authority must have been aware of it.  One has to wonder if the Obama agenda of repealing the policy and the Pentagon’s selective survey concerning the policy sent unwritten orders to military leaders to not act on the policy with respect to Manning.  He should have been uncovered and separated from the military before he could do the damage he did.

Those willing to speak frankly about the homosexual sub-culture will tell you there is a great deal of emotional instability there.  There is also an incredible amount of alcohol and drug use.  It is suspected that one in four homosexuals is a victim of domestic violence - homosexual on homosexual violence. 

The U.S. Military simply cannot afford to take the risk of legitimizing other potentially unstable military personnel like Manning who would be willing to betray their country because of a homosexual relationship gone wrong.

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