Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Nation Divided

Published September 13, 2012 in the Lynchburg Ledger 

By Bill Wheaton
Press Media Group, LLC

This week, we observed the 11th anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 where nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives.  Following that cowardly attack, our nation was united in spirit in a way reminiscent of the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941.
In 1941, our nation remained united well past the victories of 1945.  It was not until the 1960’s that divisions began to occur.  It took much less time for divisions to occur after 9-11 because of a hostile liberal media and the election of Barack Obama as President in 2008. 

Up until 1956, our de facto motto is E pluribus unum — “out of many, one.”  In 1956, Congress adopted “In God We Trust” as our official motto.

In November 2010, in a speech in Jakarta, Indonesia, Obama said, “In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum.”  Although it is frightening to realize that two years after he was elected President, he had no idea what our official motto was.  Perhaps it is because he has set about reversing it to “E unum pluribus” – “out of one, many.”

Barack Obama has set out to divide America along many societal lines following the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  In his “Rules for Radicals”, Alinsky sets out guidelines for accomplishing the liberal objective.  In his thirteenth rule, he states “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  That is exactly what Obama has done. 

He has set blacks against whites, lower economic class against the upper economic class, unemployed against the employed and moral degenerates against God-fearing people. 

One just needed to watch portions of the Democrat convention, when the network cameras were off, to see this national disgrace.  It brought to mind the bar scene in “Star Wars.”

The term “God-given” had been dropped from the Democrat party platform and when they attempted to reinsert it, the delegates actually voted God down.  When the chairman “gaveled through” the motion declaring the motion to reinsert passed, the delegates actually booed God.

Barack Obama in his speech Thursday night promised more of what he can not and has no intention of delivering.  He did, however, make one true statement and that was this election will determine in which direction this nation will head.  We will either continue down the same destructive path towards socialism under Obama and the Democrats, or we will turn back towards an open and free economy under Romney-Ryan and a Republican Congress.

The other day, I was out putting a Romney sign in my yard when a person stopped to tell me I was supporting the wrong person.  I asked him why he thought so and his answer was “Romney doesn’t care about poor people.”  My answer to him was that obviously Obama does because he has made so many more of them but I didn’t bother to debate him. He and millions like him have drunk the liberal Kool-aid and are a lost cause. They are driven strictly by ideology, emotion or plain ignorance, so hard cold facts will do nothing to sway them. To try to reason with them is a waste your time.

There is a small amount still in the middle who can be convinced by facts, so here are some to use when you ask the question, are you better off today than you were four years ago?

           Under Obama, the number of unemployed has gone from 11.6 million to 14.5 million.
           Under Obama, the cost at the pump has gone from $1.83 to $3.84 (Lundburg Survey as of 9/10/12).
           Under Obama, the number of people on food stamps has gone from 32 million to 43.2 million.
           Under Obama, the number of long term unemployed has gone from 2.6 million to 6.4 million.
           Under Obama, our national debt has gone from, $10.6 trillion to $16 trillion.
           Under Obama, the cost of corn has gone from $3.56 a bushel to $6.33 a bushel (this will be reflected in higher costs for food).
           Under Obama, black unemployment has increased from 12.6% to 15.8%.
           Under Obama, the rate of individual poverty has increased from 13.2% to 14.3%
           Under Obama, the U.S ranking in Economic Freedom World Rankings dropped from 5th to 9th.

The vast majority of Americans are not better off today, but many are still going to vote for Obama.  The only way to counter this is to give the facts to those who are reasonable, not the Kool-aid drinkers.  The liberals can’t run on the Obama record so their only hope of victory is to discourage Romney-Ryan voters from coming out to vote.  I have already seen evidence of this.  We simply cannot let the Obama lies and the media distortions keep us from voting.

Expect to see many false and misleading polls conducted by those support Obama.  They poll more Democrats than Republicans and registered voters instead of likely voters to get the skewed results they are looking for.  Polls are meaningless until a week before the election.

Also expect a deluge of lies coming from the Democrats.  For example, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just went to the Senate floor accusing Republicans of obstruction where it is he who refuses to bring up the numerous economic bills passed by the Republican controlled house.  Reid is also responsible for not passing a budget, which is required by law, for three years.

The media is also creating smoke screens and diverting attention away from the Obama record, such as the Romney tax returns.  Romney has released his 2010 and 2011 tax returns and they are available on his web site.  Obama has yet to release a single record from his school days, yet the media ignores that and keeps asking for more Romney tax returns.

We simply can not let the Democrats keep dividing the nation by pitting one group against each other.  The bottom line is Obama has been the most disastrous president since Jimmy Carter.  In fact, he is even using some of Carter’s old excuses for his failures. 

Obama, who has missed over half of the Presidential Daily Briefings, spent 600 hours on the golf course but only 420 hours in meetings on the economy (according to the White House calender), must be replaced

We will only be united as a nation when Obama is defeated and the Democrat stranglehold on Congress is broken. 

Bill Wheaton lives in Concord, Virginia.  Recent columns are available at  His email address is

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